Mixed by DJ Seoul & T.Linder
DJ Seoul:
DJ Seoul is one of America’s leading ambassadors of Detroit Techno and Techno Bass. As a soldier for the Detroit Techno Militia, this powerhouse DJ has been spreading the gospel of Techno throughout the world for the past fifteen years. With lightning fast mixing skills and exceptionally technical scratches and juggles, Seoul brings an energy to the dancefloor that is rarely seen. As a producer, his work on the Detroit Techno Militia record label and his remixes for Drugaci Exhibitions have garnered him worldwide acclaim. DJ Seoul gives the crowd one hundred percent every time he performs. This energy is clearly visible and reciprocated by the audience.
If a citizen of Detroit could be considered an asset, then DJ Seoul would be one of the most beloved. By representing his home town globally and by playing Detroit Music, Seoul continues to carry the torch that was handed to him by the greats that came before him. Playing music, from Electro, Techno and Acid, to House, Soul and Rare Groove, this trend setting performer has become known for his style of bringing a Hip-Hop Turntablist flair for mixing and scratching to his DJ set regardless of genre.
Before he was a full-time DJ, Seoul spent many years in the music industry. Raised on the East side of Detroit, he began his musical career at a young age through various counterculture sounds and movements. His formal training began in 1985 with the drums and continues today with both traditional and electronic instruments. Coming from a very diverse musical and cultural background, Seoul cites many different personal influences including Jeff Mills as The Wizard, Terrence Parker, Dave Clarke and Underground Resistance. [Read More]
A veteran DJ with more than ten years of experience underhis belt; Detroit native, T.Linder has done his homework and paid his dues.
T.Linder takes a no-nonsense, working-class approach to the art of spinningrecords. He cites old-school Detroit street jocks: The Wizard (aka. JeffMills), Gary Chandler, and Steve “DJ Energy” Crawford among others, as major inspirations for his unorthodox aesthetic. “If someone’s going to pay money to hear me spin, I’m going to make it worth their money. The way I look at it, there’s too many DJs out there meticulously and methodically blending records that all sound the same. As a listener, I’m easily bored with that. I like to take some risks when I perform, skipping across genres and eras, doing scratch tricks with two copies of the same record. I want to give the listener the experience of hearing something they haven’t heard before.”
Over the past decade, T.Linder has kept a busy performance schedule that has taken him to literally thousands of events across North America. He has played at most, if not all, of the venues in Detroit catering to Electronic Music. Notably, 2030 Grand River, The Works, Motor Lounge,St.Andrew’s Hall, and the Underground Stage at the 2002 Detroit Electronic Music Festival (a gig that he considers one of his career highlights).
In 2007, T.Linder released his first EP entitled DTM002, on Detroit Techno Militia (a record label/artist collective that heco-founded). He has also done remix projects for legendary Detroit Techno producers Scan 7 and DJ 3000. [Read More]